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How To Connect Your LinkedIn Account with Bit Social

👉 There are two options for connecting with LinkedIn:

  1. One Click Connect Method
  2. Custom App Method

One Click Connect Method

By following this method, you can easily authorize your LinkedIn account to Bit Social. This authorization process allows for quick LinkedIn integration without the need for any complicated setup. This feature enables you to efficiently manage and post on your LinkedIn profile directly from Bit Social, making social media management easier and boosting your online presence with minimal hassle.

Please follow the steps below to add your LinkedIn accounts:

  • Navigate to Bit Social Home and go to the Accounts section.
  • Click on “Connect Account.”
  • Under LinkedIn, click on the “Connect” button.
  • Sign in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Your profile and pages will be displayed.
  • Click on the “Save” button for the profile or page you wish to connect.

Custom App Method

In the Custom App Method, you need to visit LinkedIn Developers and create a new app. After creating your app, you’ll need to configure its settings to integrate it with Bit Social. This method provides more control and customization over the connection between your LinkedIn account and Bit Social.

Please follow the steps below to create a LinkedIn App and add your accounts using this App:

First, go to LinkedIn Developers and click on “Create App.”

schedule-auto-publish-wordpress-posts-to-linkedin - Create an app

Fill the details for your app, check the agreement checkbox, and create the app.

schedule-auto-publish-wordpress-posts-to-linkedin-create an app and fill

In the Settings section, click on “Verify.” Then, click on “Generate URL” and open the generated URL in a new tab. Finally, click on “Verify” in the new tab.

Next, navigate to the Products section and request access for Share on LinkedIn, Advertising API, and Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect.

schedule-auto-publish-wordpress-posts-to-linkedin - Request Access

In the Auth section, input your Authorized redirect URLs within the OAuth 2.0 settings.

To get your Authorized redirect URL, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Bit Social Home and go to the Accounts section.
  • Click on “Connect Account.”
  • Under LinkedIn, click on the “Custom App” button.
  • Your Redirect URI will be displayed.

Please follow the steps below to add your LinkedIn accounts:

  • Under Application Credentials, copy the Client ID and Primary Client Secret.
  • Paste these into the App Key and App Secret fields in Bit Social to connect with LinkedIn using the Custom App Method.
  • Click on the “Add” button.
  • Under Connected Apps, click on “Connect.”
  • Sign in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Your profile and pages will be displayed.
  • Click on the “Save” button for the profile or page you wish to connect.

After connecting your account, you can automatically share your WordPress posts, schedule your posts, and share posts instantly.

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