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How To Connect Your Tumblr Account with Bit Social

👉 There is only one options for connecting with Tumblr right now:

  1. Custom App Method

Custom App Method

For the Custom App Method, start by visiting the Tumblr Developer site. There, you’ll need to create an app to establish a connection with Tumblr.

Please follow the steps below to create a Tumblr App and add your accounts using this App:

First, go to the Tumblr Developers page and click on the API.

Schedule and Auto Publish WordPress Posts To Tubmlr with Bit Social - Tumblr Developers

On the next page, scroll down until you see the “What You Need” section. Under “What You Need,” click on “register an application.”

Schedule and Auto Publish WordPress Posts To Tubmlr with Bit Social - Register an application

Next, you’ll need to register an application. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click on “Register Application.”
  • Enter a name for your application.
  • Use your website’s homepage URL as the Application Website.
  • Provide a description for your application.
  • Enter the administrative contact email.
  • Enter the Redirect URI in both the Default callback URL and OAuth2 redirect URLs fields. To find your Redirect URI, go to Bit Social Home, add an account, and click on Connect Account. Under Tumblr, click on “Custom App.” Your Redirect URI will be displayed.
  • Complete the CAPTCHA to verify you are not a robot.
  • Finally, click on “Register.”

To get your API Key and API Key Secret, Follow these steps:

  • Locate Your Application: Open the application you recently created.
  • Find OAuth Keys: On the right side of the screen, you will see your OAuth Customer Key and OAuth Customer Secret. Copy both of these keys.
  • Enter Keys in Bit Social: Open Bit Social and paste the copied keys into the corresponding fields:
    • OAuth Customer Key -> API Key
    • OAuth Customer Secret -> API Key Secret
  • Name Your Connection: Assign a name to this connection in Bit Social.
  • Add the Connection: Click the “Add” button to save this connection.
  • Connect Your App: Under the “Connected Apps” section, click on “Connect.”
  • Finalize Connection: Click the “Save” button finish the setup.

After connecting your account, you can automatically share your WordPress posts, schedule your posts, and share posts instantly.

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