
Facebook App Approve

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 44 views

To get your Facebook app approved, you need to set it up and request some permissions. Start by reading about and creating a custom app. Click here to learn how to create a Facebook App, then follow this guide.

After creating a Facebook app, use the App ID and App Secret to connect it with Bit Social. Then, share a post to your Facebook page through Bit Social. After that, wait 24 hours to request the necessary permissions.

After waiting for 24 hours, go to the App Review section and then navigate to the “Permissions and Features” menu.

Now, search for the permissions pages_manage_posts, and pages_show_list one by one. For each permission, click the “Request advanced access” button next to it.

Schedule and Auto Publish WordPress Posts To Facebook with Bit Social - pages_manage_posts request

Click the “Continue request” button and then the Continue to App Review button;

Schedule and Auto Publish WordPress Posts To Facebook with Bit Social - Continue Request

Select “Yes” when asked if you are creating an integration for multiple business clients to manage their own Facebook data. Then, click the “Continue to App Review” button.

Click each item to open a new modal, where you’ll need to fill out a form for each permission and then submit your app for review.

The review process can take up to 5 days. A Facebook employee will review it by testing it on your website. Therefore, you need to create a user account for the app tester and add the app to your website so they can perform the test. If the reviewer lacks knowledge about plugins or WordPress, your request might be improperly reviewed and declined. In such cases, try resubmitting the same request until it is eventually accepted.

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