
Share Now

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Instantly share posts on social media platforms with WordPress plugins

The Share Now feature in Bit Social lets you instantly share a post across your connected social media platforms. To use this feature, first choose the accounts you want to post to, write your post and title, then click the publish button to share it immediately.

To set up the Share Now feature in Bit Social, go to Bit Social and click on “Share Now” from the top menu then “Share Post“.

Share Now-Bit Social-Click on Share Now
Share Now-Bit Social-Click on Share Post

note-icon-bit-apps  Note

Before you can use the Share Now feature, you need to connect your social media accounts. Click here to learn how to connect your accounts.

Choose the accounts from the left-side menu where you’d like to share your posts. You can search for your accounts and filter them by platform.

You need to set a title for your post. The title will be the same across all the platforms where you share your post.

Share Now – Bit Social - Name

Now, you need to write your posts. You’ll need to write a separate post for each platform.

Share Now – Bit Social - For Facebook
Share Now – Bit Social - For LinkedIn

note-icon-bit-apps  Note

You need to write your post separately for each social platform. Remember, each platform has a character limit for how much you can write in a post.

You can also share links or upload media when posting.

Share Now – Bit Social - add Media or Link

Save as draft: If you click the “Save as draft” button, your post will be saved as a draft, and you can publish it later.

Share Now-Bit Social- Draft Button
Share Now-Bit Social- Post Drafted

Setup Schedule: If you click the “Setup Schedule” button, a popup will appear. Set your schedule date and time in the popup, and your post will be published at the scheduled date and time.

You can choose to repeat your post. To do this, turn on the repeat option. Then, set the post interval. You can also set a sleep timer and select sleep days. After setting up your schedule, click the Publish button.

Publish: If you click the “Publish” button, your post will be shared immediately.

Share Now-Bit Social- Publish
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