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Log – Bit Social

The Log feature in Bit Social lets you monitor and review all your social media activity. You can check if your posts were successfully shared and filter the responses for easier management and tracking of your content.

To check your logs in Bit Social, go to Bit Social and click on “Logs” in the top menu.

Logs - Bit Social

If the log isn’t added or updated after sharing your post, you can refresh your logs by clicking the “Refresh” button.

Logs - Bit Social - Refresh Button

You can filter your logs as needed.

Logs - Bit Social - Filter

You have several options to sort through your Logs. You can narrow down the results by filtering them based on date, status, schedule, or platform.

Logs - Bit Social - Log Filter

In the log section, you can see details such as date and time, platform, account, schedule, responses, and status. There’s also a “Visit” button under the status column. Clicking this button redirects you to your post.

Logs - Bit Social - Log Details

To navigate between pages, simply click the arrow to move forward or backward.

Logs - Bit Social - next and previous page

You can also choose how many logs you’d like to display on each page.

Logs - Bit Social - Log page
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