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Templates – Bit Social

In Bit Social, templates can be used for different posting types like Only Custom Message, Link Card, and Featured Image. You can also use templates to trim messages or create custom messages, making it simpler to keep your social media updates consistent and efficient.

To set up the Templates feature in Bit Social, go to Bit Social and click on “Templates” from the top menu.

Templates - Bit Social

On the left side, you’ll see various social platforms. Each one needs to be customized separately.

Templates - Bit Social - Social Platforms

Posting type: When you’re using Bit Social, you can choose from different ways to make posts. You can choose only custom message, use a link card to preview a webpage, or include a featured image to make your posts more visually appealing. These options give you flexibility in how you share content on social media, helping you connect with your audience in the best way possible.

Templates - Bit Social - Posting type

Trim Message: With the “Trim Message” feature, you can shorten your post message. This is handy because different social platforms have character limits, so trimming ensures your message fits within those limits while still getting your point across.

Templates - Bit Social - Trim Message

Custom Message: With the custom message feature, you have the freedom to personalize your posts. You can also utilize smart tags to add extra customization.

Templates - Bit Social - Custom Message Settings
Templates - Bit Social - add smart tags
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